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24/7/365 ALL

You often see us or a promoter/website promoting and supporting Indian and International artists, but we always tend to overlook the people behind the scenes and the people who support the music community in their one way. Artist Managers, Venue Staff, Event Programmers, Listeners / Fans - Painters, Engineers, and Doctors even (YES).

With "24/7/365 ALL", we intend to give the people behind the scenes a chance to showcase their love for their favorite music. "24/7/365 ALL" will be a Spotify and a Youtube playlist that will be curated by Artists, Artist Managers, Bartenders, Audience and every individual who is involved in the scene in any capacity. These playlists will feature Drum & Bass, Jungle, or any branch of Bass music. "24/7/365 ALL" will feature their all-time favorite tunes, or tunes that inspired them, or a mix a both.

The first playlist of the "24/7/365 ALL" series is done by Eastern Bass Music don, Nuphlo, and it features his all-time favorite tunes. So, dive in and help the community grow by supporting them and give them a shout if you like their playlists. Listen now : Spotify | Youtube


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